My First Blog Post

I am a Baby Boomer and now a Baby blogger. When I hear stats that say young women are not drawn to religious life today because of the poor treatment of women in the church, it ruffles me. I do agree that women are treated pretty poorly by authorities. What has the call, the dream, to preach the gospel in the company of holy and inspiring companions that you get to have as sisters got to do with whether one can preside at Eucharist or run a parish? It is confusing that we are seen as an arm of the hierarchy, if so, it's an arm that they want to keep in a sling. I know there is a stained glass ceiling ,however, living my vocation, I do not look up to the ceiling so much as out, to the door. How we can move out to the world hungry for divine contact? Throughout Catholic history it was women, in homes and in sisterhoods who lived their joy in the gospel and made tiny in roads into hierarchical walls which allowed the Holy Spirit to seep in to the hearts of the faithful. Dear Reader, if you feel that God has given YOU like Isaiah says, "a well trained tongue to speak a word to the weary and rouse them," and you like the idea of doing so with holy, inspired and inspiring sisters that God also gives you, then come along with us. If you got this far, thanks for staying.
Mary Mc Nulty OP
Oak Park, IL


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