Red Thread Movement

Recently, at the High School where I have the great privilege of ministering, our student preachers brought the Red Thread Movement to school in order to raise awareness of the $32 billion sex trafficking industry.  Besides highlighting India and other parts of the world, this team of young men and women made us aware of the problems with human trafficking that occur in our own city.  This great initiative reminded us as a school body that we are all one and brought back the words of an oldie but goodie by Marty Haugen for me:

Give us strength to love each other,
every sister, every brother.
Spirit of all kindness, be our guide

I believe with all my heart that having the opportunity to spend each day with these wide-eyed and open-hearted youth can truly make me kinder, gentler, and even more fun!  They also remind me each day of God’s dream for us to be truly one – with God, with each other, and with our Universe. 

So, what opportunities are nudging your spirit these days?

Peggy Ryan, op
Whitefish Bay, WI 


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