In Good Company
Well, some would say these are “the worst of times” for
nuns and the U.S. Catholic Church. It could be at the same time the “best of
times.” If you are reading these blogs to find out what women religious are
like, I would share with you these qualities of women religious that were
observed by Barbara Marx Hubbard, a Jewish scholar who spoke to our leaders
recently. As you scan the list you might say that many people have one or more
of these qualities and you don’t have to be a Sister to have it. Sure, but
Grace is in the Group. All of us together, the living Body of Christ, have
these qualities together. We are a great company of woman. Not a bunch of women
BUT a person with a voice and a commitment to the gospel.
What kind of energy is moving inside as you scan this
list? Can you see yourself adding to and drawing from this life with us?
Mary McNulty OP
Westchester, Illinois
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