Blind Spots

As I write this I realize that Lent is about half-way over.  Usually I make a lot of resolutions that I end up not keeping so this year I decided to concentrate on two things:  1) To be faithful to the Lenten retreats Sister Geri and I give to parishes; 2) Since I will be making a big move in my ministry this year to begin the process of “divesting” of all the things I do not need to take with me as I move to our Motherhouse in Sinsinawa, WI. 

I have to say the first resolution has gone very well; the second is much more of a challenge.  All of us have too much stuff!  I can justify having things because I “need them for my ministry.”  But the truth is the more stuff we have the more complicated life becomes!  This Sunday’s Gospel is the story of Jesus’ healing of the man born blind (John 9).  All of us have blind spots – perhaps mine is thinking I need “things” in order to minister to people when all I really need is to reach out in love and open myself to the great mysteries God is trying to teach me.

What is your blind spot? 

Georgia Acker, OP                                                                                                                                         Bowling Green, KY


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