In the flurry of these holidays I have been struck much
by the push and the pull, the beauty and the pain, brute strength and
hope. I so enjoy the loveliness of the
lights, the invitation to be quiet. And
when I seek out some of this solitude I feel the angst of the year’s
ending. Hunger, violence, racial
inequity, addiction to gratification all want to crowd out the hope that the
birth of a child born in love and poverty brings.
It reminds me of a favorite Christmas quote from Rilke: “Dear
Mr. Kappus, celebrate Christmas in this devout feeling, that perhaps He needs
this very anguish of yours in order to begin; these very days of your
transition are perhaps the time when everything in you is working at Him, as
you once worked at Him in your childhood, breathlessly. Be patient and without
bitterness, and realize that the least we can do is to make coming into
existence no more difficult for Him than the earth does for spring when it
wants to come.”
It gives me solace that even the paradoxical and the contradictory
can be their own prayer and communion.
Who would have thought that these can be devout feelings? I thank you Mr. Rilke for putting words to
this meandering meditation. May we all
do this breathlessly. Gratitude can take
so many forms. What draws you to your
devout feelings? When do you feel
KC Young, OP
Kirkland, WA
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