Baptismal Call to Holiness

As I was working on a presentation this week about Consecrated life, I could not help but think how often sisters, brothers, and priest are perceived as “The Ones” who have the call to holiness.  When in fact, it is through the sacrament of baptism that all have the call to holiness.  

Despite a persons vocation they are called to answer their baptismal call to be holy, Christ like.  A person is called to share in the mission to serve and share God’s love and mercy. What could be more appropriate than the season of Lent to work on answering this baptismal call?

When I think of being Christ like, I think of sacrifice.  Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and died for our sins.  Sacrifices can bring about conversion and help us to seek and find what is holy and let go of what is not. 

As Lent begins, I am thinking of what sacrifices I can make to lead me to be Christ like.  Make time for silence.  Make time for others despite a busy schedule.   Live simply and give away something everyday.   Cut down on consumption of goods or doing without to care for the earth.

The holiness of the Church is manifested through the holiness of all her faithful members. (Lumen Gentium, 39)  How will you live out your baptismal call to holiness this Lenten season?

Priscilla Torres, OP

Jacksonville, FL


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