Dominican Gathering

This past weekend I participated in a spirit-filled gathering of Dominican women from several different congregations. The focus was "PREACHING the WORD: the Dominican Imperative Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow."  The opportunity to be with over 400 Dominicans who are enthusiastic about our Dominican mission strengthens my commitment and broadens my vision.

Joy is a tangible quality of our Dominican gatherings. We embrace friends and discover new ones. Laughter, song and smiles brightened the days. Our "market place" displayed the many different ways that Dominicans are preaching the Word with their lives.

In the "market place" I was at a booth that displayed what Dominicans are doing to support Dominicans in ministry among the native/indigenous peoples. The organization is called Las Casas, named after a Dominican who, after a conversion of heart, ministered diligently on behalf of native/indigenous people over 500 years ago. Las Casas organization actively seeks money to provide grants for this Dominican ministry.

Being actively engaged in a Dominican collaborative venture means so much to me. I want to make a difference with my life. Working with other Dominicans we can do so much more with our resources than what we can accomplish alone. Our dreams become reality with many committed people.

What dream is in your heart? Perhaps you could become a Dominican and bring your dream to life.

Mary Therese Johnson, OP  
Westchester, IL


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