Light in the Darkness

I walk down the hallway of the shelter
and turn out the bathroom light.
An hour later, I do it again.
Two hours later, the same thing.
6-8 times a night, I turn off the bathroom light until …finally…
Epiphany! A light goes on in my own head and heart…
shining on the truth of a reality
that to women and children
living in the darkness
of domestic violence...
conservation simply means
making your own light…
maybe even leaving it on where you find it.

As Christian women and men, we are called to be light to others…
and to accept light from others…
without judgment,
without exception.

May 2016 truly be a year of mercy
and love

A year committed to ending violence in our world, in our country,
in our neighborhoods and in our own hearts
A year committed to letting our light shine…
for the common good…
for Peace 

John 1:5The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Kathy Flynn, OP
Whitefish Bay, WI


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