Like to lose your luggage?

It’s almost summer and the vacation season is here.  That means travel and for some of us, the worst of all experiences is lost luggage.  We think so hard and long (usually) about what to pack for our adventure we are completely lost when we don’t have all we thought we needed.

But wait – maybe this summer is a time to think about choosing to lose some of our luggage – or baggage – if you prefer.  Maybe this is the time to loosen our grip on all that stuff we think we need, all that stuff that acts as a buffer or barrier between us and the wounded world, between a deeper relationship with the Divine, between me and the self I don’t always like to confront. 

I have begun to pack early for a trip.  I let everything just sit in the suitcase, and then, as the time gets closer, with reflection, I start unpacking, because I realize how little I truly need. 

May these days find you with time to reflect on the luggage you’d like to lose and bring you closer to what is truly essential. 

Priscilla Wood, OP
Dubuque, IA


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