If You’re Going To Be Late, At Least Be Present When You Get There
I am in
St. Catharine, Kentucky, meeting with Dominican sisters in temporary profession
in the U.S. and their companions. Our group represents the Dominican Sisters of
… Adrian MI, Blauvelt NY, Houston, Maryknoll NY, Mission San Jose, Dominican
Sisters of Peace, San Rafael, Springfield IL, and Sinsinawa WI. We are a
diverse group of women from Cuba, East Timor, Hungary, Indonesia, the Philippines,
Vietnam Nam, and the United States.
The main purpose of our group is to provide
women in temporary profession and their companions an opportunity to connect,
provide support to one another, and to get to know each other better as Sisters
and family.
This post
should have been out earlier but is late for the following reasons:
Arenio Agnes, MM Isabel da Marjojes,
MM Christina Atienza,
Biddle, OP Barbara
Blesse, OP Pati Bruno, OP
Encala, MM Quincy Howard,
OP Anne Keenan, OP
Hyun Jung
Kim, MM Marilin Llanes, OP Carol Mayes, OP
Moline, OP Mary Ann
Nelson, OP Mary
Therese Perez, OP
Reaume, OP Bea Tiboldi, OP Christin Tomy, OP
Torres, OP Chuc Vu, OP Pat Walter, OP
Madden, OP Mary Ellen
O’Grady, OP Gloria
Marie Jones, OP
Mary Lou
Edwards, OP
present to these women, hearing their stories, their hopes, dreams, concerns
and questions was my priority. I lost track of time. Although I am sorry for
the tardiness of this post, I am not sorry for choosing to be present to my
How are you choosing to be present to those
with whom you find yourself? How are you present to the gifts of Creation? How
are you present to God?
Kathy Flynn OP
Sinsinawa, WI
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