Joyful Soror

JOYFUL SORORAt weekly scripture study, members shared about a young woman consecrating her life to God. 

A wedding gown and a reception after were symbols of her being a Bride of Christ.

Those are not symbols from the day I made the vow of obedience as a Dominican of Sinsinawa.

I do not wear a wedding ring.  Jesus is my brother.  What is a symbol for my vocation?

  I learn to know many sisters and brothers—

  *children, wanting to know creator God,

  *antiracists, learning to undo systemic racism

  * exincarcerated people organizing for a more human prison system

Once a neighbor asked me to drive her to find her husband where they had lived under the bridge.  What a privilege to be sister to her!

A song about St Dominic, “Joyful Friar”, is symbolic of my vocation.

Joyful Friar, tolerant master

Grace filled preacher, Gospel man of prayer.

To be a joyful sister, and grace filled preacher is my call.

Here’s a version of “Joyful Friar”.  The singing seems somber for such a joyful call, but it has great words. “skip” to hear it)

Here’s joyful version for the Dominican vocation:  (click “skip” to hear it)

May we all hear where and how God is calling us today, and celebrate being joyful sorors.

Joan Duerst O.P.

Madison, WI


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