A Flat Tire--A Blessing?

On the way home from grocery shopping

I had a flat tire and had to pull over on the shoulder of a ramp. 

Needless to say, this was a scary experience with all

the cars whizzing by--a two-lane ramp that was now

a one-lane ramp.

After calling AAA I got out of the car afraid my car could be hit. 

A man stopped and wanted to know if he could help.

Another got out of his car and helped me to see where

the spare tire should be. (There was no spare tire.) 

A woman went by and then came back around to see if I was alright.  A woman

with a baby stopped and a man who spoke only Spanish stopped. 

One man offered to stay with me until AAA arrived, and there were others, too. 

All these responses were from total strangers. How blessed I felt! 

I was no longer panicky or traumatized.  I was experiencing goodness and

the power of kindness and caring. Doesn't that sound like a blessing?

Have you ever had the experience of an unwelcome event that became a blessing?

Marie Lucek OP

Madison, WI



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