Hidden Jewels in Religious Convents
As summer approaches, I am sad that I will not be going home to the Mound/Villa (our motherhouse/nursing home) until the end of summer. Most people wonder why I would want to be with the old Sisters since I am a young sister. If only they knew of the hidden jewels at the convent. I value my time with my young 70/80/90 year old Dominican sisters and can’t forget the 100’s (especially our 108 year old). My sisters may be old in age but their love of God shines brightly. These faithful women at the Mound are my roots, the rock of my religious life. Many people know my Sisters from their past ministries. I never knew my Dominican Sisters in those younger years. I came to know them in their prime years. What a glorious blessing to meet them at this time. These Sisters in their last years of life minister to each other. They minister to me by sharing their joy and life experience, their daily witness of love of God and prayer. These women inspire me, give me energy and hope for my religious vocation when I leave and go out on mission. I’ve lost some wonderful 80 and 90 year old Sisters over the last few years. Their lives and spirit continue to inspire my religious journey. I always remember their welcome of open arms and love for me. I miss these who are now with our eternal God, but I give God thanks for the continued blessing of the Jewels who still live at the Mound/Villa. These Sisters minister not by doing but, by being. Being present to all those they encounter. Little do others know the blessings and witnesses older Sisters can be for a young religious sister.
Sr. Priscilla Torres, OP
San Antonio. TX
Sr. Priscilla Torres, OP
San Antonio. TX
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