Centered in Prayer and Ministry
I just came back from a walk, early morning. I read a Scripture passage before heading out. For me time alone to reflect and be still, though getting exercise is a blessing. In religious life while busy in ministry I need to find the times to center myself and feed my spirit. That is why I love to go for a walk alone. I live in the city so it is on cement sidewalks and plazas, but I see the trees, flowers, the blue sky, the street cleaners but mostly I feel my body moving, breathing and I enjoy it.
Being Dominican sisters our lives are centered in prayer and ministry. It is the reading and rereading the Gospels which impels me, encourages me, challenges me to work as a Dominican. Just a few days ago I met a young woman Rosa who has 5 children, no husband. She lives in a small one room makeshift house. Her goal is to get her kids through school. God brought me to her door via her friend and neighbor, Claudia. Woman to woman, God is present. God has called me to meet her. And where do you want to serve?
Kathleen Long OP
Cuernavaca, Mexico
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