Talking with God....

One evening in the middle of May I happen to look out the front window and saw a ‘light show’ going on over the ocean.  I quickly retrieved my camera and began going between taking pictures and just watching this magnificent electrical [lightning without thunder or rain] storm.

I was in awe of the beauty of the night sky with the moon rising above the clouds and the lightning dancing in the sky.  I was in awe of a God who could be so creative and yet wholly free to let go of this sky-dance.  I even began to experience this divine dance in my efforts to get photos of this marvel.

Trying to capture the lightning in a photo was not unlike talking with God.  Will anything come of it?  Yet perseverance, faith and slowing down ~ taking time does bring results.  Maybe not what I planned but holy and divine none the less.

While taking those pictures I had to try different settings, move to different locations, value my novice level of photography and open myself to what was offered.   So it is when entering into a conversation with God.

In your times of God-talk, will you be open to something new or insist that the conversation go your way?

Roberta A. Popara, O.P.
North Palm Beach, FL


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