Ministering Among Hearts in Pain

In retreat ministry, it is an ordinary reality to welcome people whose lives are weary from so many situations.  Who could be forgotten are those who support this ministry in administration,  the kitchen and maintenance.

In recent months, some of those working at the Spiritual Center have been struggling as parents with their teenage children.  Each, very different situations, but each causing hearts that hurt.

Whether a parent’s child graduates high school with no life plan [as hard as that parent has tried to instill this] or another’s young teen has been caught with drugs, parents’ life ministry never really gets a rest.

My July blog was in part about listening – deep listening.  In ministry, this means everyone who surrounds you, not only those who come seeking support and nurturance ‘officially.’

And, as one who ministers, I/we should not think we are out of the loop of needing mutual care.  Fortunately, I minister in a setting where there is much mutual care.  More importantly, I am in a congregation where we mutual love, care and provide for one another.  None of us are without times in our lives when our hearts are in pain.

In our vowed Dominican life, we seek the mercy of God and of each and every Sister.

Who, in the wideness of your life & days, whose heart is in pain, needs a listening heart?  To whom do you turn, when you are in need for yourself?  Trust that God’s mercy is with you!

Sr. Roberta A. Popara, O.P.
North Palm Beach  FL


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