Commitment to Seeking "The More"

Did you see Mary McNulty's qualities of religious women list --August 23rd blog? The quality that struck me is "the commitment to seeking the more."

B.S. (before sister) I enjoyed the adventure of life.  After a fun day I would come home, close the door, and think, "this day was so special, but I know there is more."   Then I checked out Dominican life, where I am still seeking "the more".  Each day I pray, "What do you want of me today, God?"  There is always more--something to learn, a person to listen to, a moment to especially know God's presence. Religious life gives me a framework in which to experience the more.  There is a time for solitude and a time for sharing in community.  There is the challenge to grow as an individual and the possibility to join my gifts to others.

I love being at liturgy in the chapel at the Sinsinawa.  We gather--sisters and friends who are called to the work of the Gospel.  As we sing, play instruments, pray and process our individual calls are united.   In our midst the "more" becomes palpable.

Come and see.

Joan Duerst OP
Monona WI


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