"I Am For You!"

I’ve just returned from a Dominican Sisters Convocation.  These events, which occur every few years, brings Sisters from most of the Dominican congregations in the US and are another way of deepening our lives together.

For me this is important because women religious are living through major shifts for our lives and future.  This is fine and events such as this brings friends together and forges new ones.  We celebrated the particularities of our congregations and the ‘mutualities’ of our Dominican life.  We come to know one another which will help us as there is increased collaboration among the congregations - not only among leadership but among members as well.

I joined the choir during the convocation days and there is one song that continues to play in my mind and dance in my heart:  “I Am for You.”  It speaks of God being for us, Mary’s “yes” at the Annunciation, Jesus’ with us to the end and more.

In the vowed life not only is God there for us, we are there for each other.  It is a song that plays in our lives daily and dances us through times of joy and times of challenge.  It is unending.  It is eternal.  Ultimately, will I believe it – take it in – let the God-Love-Truth of it take hold of me – every moment of every day?

Will you?

Sr. Roberta A. Popara, O.P.
North Palm Beach  FL


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