Advent's Gifts of Waiting

As I am preparing this blog entry, I am also getting ready for the monthly Day of Reflection at the Retreat Center where I minister.  My theme is:  Advent’s Gifts of Waiting.

The idea for my theme came from a book by Holly Whitcomb:  Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting in which she suggests these ‘gifts:’  Patience, Loss of Control, Living in the Present, Compassion, Gratitude, Humility and Trust in God.

Take a slow look at those seven gifts of waiting.   Is there one that jumps out for you that could be your Advent prayer with God – to learn more about – to put into practice – to share with others?

And – these are just seven.  Are there others that you would add for yourself – ‘gifts’ you need to grow in your spiritual journey?  These others just may be more important for you right now.

While you are pondering these possible Advent Gifts – you might find  this video (  from Busted Halo a fun way to be reminded just what Advent is all about.

Roberta A. Popara, O.P.
North Palm Beach  FL


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