International Language of Music

I’ve often heard music described as a universal and international language – a language of sounds and rhythms that expresses a wide range of ideas and feelings, regardless of cultural differences or native language. It certainly has the potential to bring people together in ways that are magical and fun.

Young in religious life, and among the newest members of our Congregation, I continue to learn more and more about our large international Dominican family. Such an opportunity occurred during the Christmas holidays at our Sinsinawa motherhouse. Three Dominican sisters from
Vietnam, living and studying in the States for a few years, were among a group of us hanging out and having fun one evening. Later, we began caroling. They joined us in English and with some prompting, sang a few favorites in Vietnamese. With a daring sense of curiosity, we tried the two languages and sounds together. Imagine that!

Our Dominican life and traditions are rich with many elements – contemplation, prayer, study, preaching and teaching among them. Perhaps the gift of music, with its diverse sounds and rhythms, can be added to what connects and binds us as an international family. It certainly found magical, unifying and fun expressions during Christmas at Sinsinawa.

What unifying expressions among family and friends have you recently discovered? Would you consider joining our Dominican family and discovering more?

Tanya Williams, OP
St. Louis Park, MN


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