Checks and Balances of Lent 2013

Checks and balances, describes Lent 2013 for me.  The checks and balances of my life are my spiritual life and relationship with God.    

I ask myself……Am I allowing God to be in charge?  Am I feeding my Spirit?  Am I nurturing my relationship with the Beloved?    

Where do I need a balance of peace, joy, steadfast faith and trust right now? It is easy to get unbalanced in life.  For example, as a sister, it has been easy for me to be caught up in the busyness of my ministry and routine prayer.  

In these weeks of Lent as I check and balance, I give God thanks for this desert time to slow down:
to be still…God is my center and my refuge;
to ask…help me see blessings and joy that I would otherwise miss;
to listen… be attentive to prayer in forms I would not recognize;
to wait and hope… for Easter Will Come.  

How would you describe Lent 2013 for you?

Priscilla Torres, OP
Jacksonville, Florida


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