
Today is my older sister’s birthday! As I often do, I will spend moments throughout the day reminiscing, and laughing, about our shared childhood (which has, in some ways, extended into our “seasoned” years.)

Over the last year or two, my ‘family’ has expanded to include so many more sisters, and brothers, who have helped light my path and warmed my heart.  I’m not really sure how that happened, other than by the grace of God.  It is to God then, and to them, that I am eternally grateful.

I hope my sister knows how deeply and well she is loved.  I hope my son and my other siblings know how deeply and well they are loved.  I hope they know that I am not leaving them for another family.  Rather, our family is being transformed and absorbed into a much larger one … one full of joy and love, for each other ... and for each of us. 

Happy Birthday, Barb! I love you!
Kathy Flynn, Candidate


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