Join Us in Creating the Future

Two years ago in April 2011 over 200 Dominicans of Sinsinawa gathered for a special meeting, called a Chapter. Together we created an inspirational direction statement that launched us into the future.  This is what we desire:
Having opened our hearts to this profound time of grace
and being created anew by the Fire of Love,
we commit ourselves to living boldly together into the next five years.
We call one another to
speak courageously and risk for justice
live authentically and relate transparently
reverence Earth and expand consciousness
dream globally and collaborate intentionally
search contemplatively and study communally
explore the emerging Wisdom of God.
~Direction for 2011-2016
Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary

Since this Chapter, we intentionally refer to this statement to guide us in our prayer, study, community, and ministry. These are not just words; they are alive in us.

Presently our congregation is engaged in a planning process entitled
“. . .Boldly Together. . .We are gathering in groups wherever our sisters and associates are and imagining who we will be together in the year 2023. Aware of our values from our rich heritage, we carry them into our future in new ways. Our creative juices are flowing and we are naming and taking steps that will help us make our dream reality. Hope is alive and the Spirit is guiding us! This is truly a “profound time of grace.”

Would you like to join us in creating the future?

Mary Therese Johnson, OP
Westchester, Illinois


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