The God of Surprises!!

Sometimes I am so surprised how God enters into my day.  This can be a smile on someone’s face when I am overworked and tired. It is refreshing to see. It relaxes me a bit. Sometimes it is an encouraging word or a good conversation where deep values are shared.  My inner self, my spirit is renewed and inspired when I can think, ‘O thank you God for being with me’.

Decisions are hard at times.  Recently I listened to Anne Murray singing ‘lean on me when you’re not strong, and I´ll be your friend, I´ll help you carry on… we all need somebody to lean on…. I f there is a load that you have to carry on, I am just up the road, just call on me when you want me, just call on me…’

I found courage in her words, the rhythm of the song, the meaning it had for me in my busyness. I had a report to finish and I had too many interruptions, but good interruptions… my work! So I leaned on God and begged for the help I needed that day. I often do this. My Dominican life is about ministry and about dependence on God. Right now I have some tough decisions to make about my next ministry. I know my sisters are part of my discerning, my decision for ministry. I am not alone. That’s the blessing of community. Who is there for you to lean on?

Being aware of God’s presence in my decisions is refreshing and gives me strength.   God just surprises us!

Kathy Long O.P.
Cuernavaca. Mexico


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