This Is Easter!!
Spring is coming very slowly to our Midwest city in
Southeast Wisconsin. Seeing spring takes
a huge act of faith right now. These
little buds are a sure sign that hope is all we need. Hearing spring is easier because the birds
obviously know more than we do. They are
making new songs everywhere.
The tomb is open and empty. Christ is risen!!! The newness has begun. All we have to do is open our hearts and eyes
and trust in the resurrected presence of our brother and friend, the Christ.
Where are you finding Easter? Is it in a seemingly impossible situation
with a family member? Is it in a person
or place that you would have never looked for anything good to happen? Is it in a broken-down promise? Is it in an ending that you must face and
really do not want to?
Let’s look together this year. Let’s help each other find Easter everywhere
we can. The Resurrected Christ is
anywhere and everywhere we are…all we have to do is look.
Peggy Ryan, OP
Whitefish Bay, WI
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