
It is of special interest to me that we connect here by blogging in the name of Catherine.  Recently I joined a group of women in our parish who once a week are in conversation about Catherine of Siena. We are following a study guide, Setting the World Ablaze, St Catherine of Siena.   I am realizing that we bloggers of the 21st century share the charism of Dominic just as Catherine, Dominican woman of the 14th century, shared insights through her numerous letters.

A quote in our study guide from Mary O'Driscoll OP mentions that Catherine through becoming at home with God became at home with herself. She found the "living bubbling water of God's being within herself".

In our time with God we find the living bubbling water of God within ourselves.

We share the bubbling water of God as we connect to one another through this blog.

How is God connecting us to the people in our conversation circles?
Are we also connected by the God within to people in our city or in our world who struggle to bring peace to one another and to our broken world?

Joan Duerst, OP

Monona, WI


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