
We live in a very fast pace world where many people are occupied with their own lives and the challenges of their lives and of their family. 

Lent is a time where we are called to slow down.  Take a breath and reflect on what is the condition of my spiritual life and the quality of my relationship with others.  For many people this slowing down may not be possible.  However, realistically at some point in our lives we will have to slow down.  Hopefully it will not be too late for us to then enjoy what is really meaningful and life-giving to us.  Pope Francis in his message at the beginning of Lent states, "God’s people, then, need this interior renewal, lest we become indifferent and withdraw into ourselves...."

More importantly Lent refocuses and reminds me that their are many other people who are in some very difficult situations and that they are my brothers and sisters who may need my help. 

Personally this Lent has been way too busy for me.  Busy about many good things, however, I know for my own spiritual and emotional well being I must take the time to quiet down and take a deep breath to drink in what is really important to me; firstly that is quality time with the one who sustains my life- Jesus.  It is in those quiet moments that I am rejuvenated and enabled to continue on in this fast paced world.

Do you know what gives you life and sustains you?
What is the quality of my relationship with others?

Lystra Long, OP

New Grant, Trinidad


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