
A couple of weeks ago, Ruth Poochigian, O.P. wrote a blog declaring “I took the WHOLE weekend off!”  She asked at the end, “When was the last time you took time off from your ‘important’ work?”  I realized it had been over a year since I had taken some extended time off.  I just kept pushing myself until my scheduled vacation because there was so much to get done. Now that I have returned from a 10 day vacation that included a family wedding and reconnoitering with my 4 biological sisters, I am aware how much I needed that time away.

Even though there are multitudinous tasks, projects, emails, etc. awaiting my attention, I am REJUVENATED.  My spirit is revived!  I have more energy, and tasks do not take as long.  I have to ask, “Why do I do this to myself?  God gave us the gift of Sabbath.  Why do I not let myself enjoy that gift more often?”  Jesus showed us the way when he slipped away from the demanding crowds to spend time alone on the mountain with his “Abba.” 

Do you find yourself honoring the gift of Sabbath?
When was the last time you slipped away from everyday demands to rejuvenate?

Anne Sur, OP
East Dubuque, IL


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