Be Who God Meant You to Be
I recently attended the wake of a friend’s father, where
I ran into several other friends whom I had not seen for a while. Laughing while swapping stories, one who knew
I was newly professed said to another, ‘See, I told you she wouldn’t have
changed”, to which I replied, “I might be a Sister but I’m still the same
As I drove away from the funeral home, my response echoed
rather hollowly in my heart, a sure sign that it wasn’t exactly the truth. Our essence is of God. That doesn’t change, yet there is no denying
that how I am in the world now does look
and feel different…much like a rose bud in the early morning differs from one
in full bloom in the late afternoon sun.
While each is still a rose, one is opened more fully to what it was
meant to become.
Religious life is one of the many ways God might call a person to be in the world. Prayerful discernment of and responding to
that call has opened my heart more fully and led to so many unexpected
graces. I am still Kathy. But I am Kathy more fully opened.
How is God calling you?
How will you respond?
Kathy Flynn, OP
Whitefish Bay, WI
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