Living with Paradox


Paradox: A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which, when investigated, may prove to be well founded or true. –The Oxford Dictionary


On January 2, 2023 I lived with paradox. My youngest brother, Dan, died and was born into new life. His death is a blessing and at the same time it is a great sorrow. Have you experienced this mystery of paradox in your life? Can you embrace opposites in feelings, thoughts, relationships, in life itself?


Over the years I’ve been intrigued by the reality of holding opposites at the same time. Dwelling in the mystery of paradox is transformative. I have learned by living in the mess of unknowing I discover the gift of wisdom by going through the messiness, arriving with new insights for living.


In the gospel parables Jesus often uses paradoxes. “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.”  “To the one who has, more will be given; from the one who has not, even what s/he has will be taken away.” “Those who love their life will lose it; those who hate their lives keep it for life eternal.” When I come across these sayings I ponder them and find the truth of these sayings in my lived experience or in what others have shared with me.


It is not easy to live in ambiguity. Often we see things as ‘either/or.’ Life is not that simple. When we choose to embrace ‘both/and’ we receive a great grace.


Listen to the voice of God within and trust even in the midst of uncertainty.


~Mary Therese Johnson, OP

Dominican sister of Sinsinawa

On mission at Sinsinawa Mound


  1. Mary Therese, thanks for your reflection. My only brother, Dan, died very suddenly a few years ago, so I can relate to your sorrow. But the paradox is truly a mystery and I’m glad you shared your thoughts on life and death. Have a beautiful lent! Sincerely, Jean Drumm. (Former...a few crowds ahead of you!)

    1. Hi Jean, just wished to reconnect and am hoping you are well. Caroline, crowd of '65

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